Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, 2021
M.Tech. Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2017
M.Sc. Applied Chemistry, Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira Belur Math, 2015
B.Sc. Chemistry, Maulana Azad College Kolkata, 2013
Research Interests: Self-healing Hydrogels, Supramolecular Chemistry, Tactile Sensors, Wound Healing, Regenerative Engineering.
My current research focuses on developing supramolecular gels/polymers with antibacterial activity for wound healing monitoring and surgical applications
Selected Awards
- Recipient of ‘Research Scholarship for International Graduate Students’ by CTCI Foundation Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2021
- Recipient of ‘Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship’ by MOE Taiwan, 2017-2021
- Recipient of ‘INSPIRE SCHOLARSHIP’ by DST, Govt. of India, 2010-2015
- Graduate students paper award NYCU, 2020-2022