Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2014
M.Phil. Bioengineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2011
B.S. Materials Science, Chongqing University, 2009
Research Interests: interface of materials science, manufacturing, vascular biology
My academic and research expertise is at the interface of materials science, manufacturing, and vascular biology. My overall research goal is design and manufacturing of biomaterials to better understand how different microenvironmental factors contribute to vascular pathophysiology, with the eventual goal of informing new treatments for vascular diseases. For my doctoral research, I engineered surface topography and biomolecular ligands of blood-contacting biomaterials to improve their blood and vascular compatibility. During my postdoctoral training at the University of Colorado Boulder (2015-2019), I have been focusing on design and 3D printing of novel photo-click hydrogels for vascular tissue regeneration and stem cell differentiation. As a faculty, I will build a research program focused on engineering physiologically relevant tissue models for impaired tissue regeneration and disease modeling.
Selected Awards
- CIRTL Associate, CIRTL at CU-Boulder, 2017
- Tony B. Academic Travel Award by the Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening, 2016
- Best Young Scientist Award by the 4th Asian Biomaterials Congress, 2013
- Best Teaching Assistant, HKUST, 2012